
August 1st marks Earth Overshoot Day 2024

Every year, humanity reaches a critical milestone known as Earth Overshoot Day, the date when our total demand for ecological resources exceeds what our planet can regenerate in that year. In other words, in the past 7 months, we have used all the resources that take Earth 12 months to renew. Today, August 1st, marks Earth Overshoot Day 2024. 

Having used up all of the resources before the end of the year, means that we would need 1.75 earths to fulfill our needs. As a result, from today on, we will be using resources from future years, from future generations. 

Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by the Global Footprint Network and this year’s Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 1. The main purpose is to raise awareness and share knowledge on the impact of our lives on the planet. It forces us to think about our behavior, consumption patterns, and ways to strive for a more sustainable future. 

And ofcourse, this is a global calculation, while not all populations follow the same consumption patterns. Did you know that if all the people around the world mirrored the consumption patterns of the European Union, we would have exhausted the planet’s natural resources available for the year already by May 3rd this year? 


Time to move the date

While this date can be overwhelming, it is important to realize that we can, and should, respond. The Global Footprint Network invites you to help #movethedate, to be part of the solution and push Earth Overshoot Day back further into the year. They identified five areas of action: planet, cities, energy, food, and population.

As a solar business, we zoom into the possibilities for energy. By moving further towards the use of renewable energy, we can move the date by 26 days. Generating 75% of electricity from sustainable sources, such as solar, would push Earth Overshoot Day back significantly. 

The addition of energy storage systems on a broad scale for renewable sources can move the date an additional 15 days. Battery systems can help us store energy produced by solar panels during the sunny parts of the day for later use. 

Autarco realizes the importance of these insights and is constantly working to keep its proposition in line with current and future market developments. Through innovative product offerings, both hardware and software, Autarco enables its dealers and end customers to contribute to reducing the impact of our Earth, and together, move the date. For more information about our solar power systems and battery solutions, visit our product pages.

So, today is a perfect day to go solar and opt for clean, renewable energy solutions. Let’s make every day count.





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